
Give it a whirl with sound.

Wouldn't this be better with sound effects?

Visual Division is solely owned and operated by Michigan native Jordan Roberts, who is painstakingly writing this in the third person, so cut me him a little slack.

Roberts' paternal and maternal grandfathers were blue-collar entrepreneurs and have passed down not only an indelible work ethic but also an affinity for critical and independent thinking. Visual Division and the 15-plus years of prior experience would likely not exist if it weren't for their influence.

From there, the primary drivers behind this journey were found in skateboarding, motocross, and music subcultures—all scenes that further encouraged an independently driven lifestyle and the desire to create. There was never a blueprint to follow, only passion. Everything else is just another medium to learn.

Visual Division primarily offers graphic design, photography, marketing consultation, and web/digital services. Do you have a project that falls outside of that scope? A vast network of partners and freelancers is a call away should additional resources be needed. Reach out today and let's start creating.